Top 10 U.S. Stadium/Arena Demolitions
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Top 10 U.S. Stadium/Arena Demolitions
Ten demolitions that took place from the late 1990s through 2010. Mostly baseball and football with a couple of basketball/hockey arenas thrown in. Includes several of the circle-shaped astroturf parks built in the late 1960s/1970s.Among the highlights: The Kingdome, Riverfront Stadium, Three Rivers Stadium, Veterans Stadium and Texas Stadium.
2, 469, 348 | 10 год. назад | 9, 265 - 0
Ten demolitions that took place from the late 1990s through 2010. Mostly baseball and football with a couple of basketball/hockey arenas thrown in. Includes several of the circle-shaped astroturf parks built in the late 1960s/1970s.Among the highlights: The Kingdome, Riverfront Stadium, Three Rivers Stadium, Veterans Stadium and Texas Stadium.
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