SPRING LAKES - Official Trailer

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SPRING LAKES - Official Trailer

Release Date: 01/16/2024 Directed by: Ranjeet S. Marwa Starring: James Bryhan, Rosalind Stockwell, Samantha Loxley, Oris Erhuero, David Lamont Synopsis: When Marcus, a down and out struggling filmmaker goes on a search for his missing sister in Spring Lakes, he encounters strange and mysterious occurrences in the form of a Satanic Cult. Marcus must find his sister before, he too, becomes engulfed by the living forest and suffers the same fate as his sister, Shiela. About Us: Gravitas Ventures is a worldwide film distributor & collaborator with thousands of independent artists. Past films include: Mack & Rita, The King's Daughter, The Secret: Dare to Dream, Our Friend, Queen Bees, Vanguard, Shortcut, The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, Finding Kendrick Johnson, Looks That Kill, Sound City, Armstrong, Above The Shadows, The River and the Wall, and many more.
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SPRING LAKES - Official Trailer

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Release Date: 01/16/2024

Directed by: Ranjeet S. Marwa

Starring: James Bryhan, Rosalind Stockwell, Samantha Loxley, Oris Erhuero, David Lamont

Synopsis: When Marcus, a down and out struggling filmmaker goes on a search for his missing sister in Spring Lakes, he encounters strange and mysterious occurrences in the form of a Satanic Cult. Marcus must find his sister before, he too, becomes engulfed by the living forest and suffers the same fate as his sister, Shiela.

About Us: Gravitas Ventures is a worldwide film distributor & collaborator with thousands of independent artists. Past films include: Mack & Rita, The King's Daughter, The Secret: Dare to Dream, Our Friend, Queen Bees, Vanguard, Shortcut, The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain, Finding Kendrick Johnson, Looks That Kill, Sound City, Armstrong, Above The Shadows, The River and the Wall, and many more.

SPRING LAKES - Official Trailer

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