The Secrets of an Undercover Cop | Informer

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The Secrets of an Undercover Cop | Informer

A veteran undercover police officer reflects on his double life in the shadows, having infiltrated some of Britain’s most dangerous gangs and terrorist cells. When working clandestinely in the depths of the criminal underworld, the line between rule-following police and law-breaking criminals often becomes blurred. But for our informant, this is the harsh reality of what it takes to keep the public safe. Despite putting over a dozen crime bosses behind bars or turning them into informants, the dark realities of the job have taken their toll. So much so, he now believes it 'wasn't worth it,' with the whole thing built on lies and deceit, leaving a trail of betrayal and broken relationships across the country. Click here to subscribe to VICE: Nightmate Confessions of a former Shell consultant Flight attendant reveals dark secrets of the job The horrors you hear as a 911 Operator What the gambling industry doesn’t want you to know About VICE: The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the planet, our immersive, caustic, ground-breaking and often bizarre stories have changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don't even have names yet. Browse the growing library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Welcome to VICE. Connect with VICE: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Like VICE on Facebook: Follow VICE on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: The VICE YouTube Network: VICE: MUNCHIES: VICE News: VICE TV: Noisey: Motherboard: Waypoint: #informer #vice #crime
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The Secrets of an Undercover Cop | Informer

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A veteran undercover police officer reflects on his double life in the shadows, having infiltrated some of Britain’s most dangerous gangs and terrorist cells.
When working clandestinely in the depths of the criminal underworld, the line between rule-following police and law-breaking criminals often becomes blurred. But for our informant, this is the harsh reality of what it takes to keep the public safe.

Despite putting over a dozen crime bosses behind bars or turning them into informants, the dark realities of the job have taken their toll. So much so, he now believes it "wasn't worth it," with the whole thing built on lies and deceit, leaving a trail of betrayal and broken relationships across the country.

Click here to subscribe to VICE:

Nightmate Confessions of a former Shell consultant

Flight attendant reveals dark secrets of the job

The horrors you hear as a 911 Operator

What the gambling industry doesn’t want you to know

About VICE:
The Definitive Guide To Enlightening Information. From every corner of the planet, our immersive, caustic, ground-breaking and often bizarre stories have changed the way people think about culture, crime, art, parties, fashion, protest, the internet and other subjects that don't even have names yet. Browse the growing library and discover corners of the world you never knew existed. Welcome to VICE.

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The Secrets of an Undercover Cop | Informer

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