Merlin's Epic Birthday Bash at Glamis! Full Send in a Model A with Paddles Up Oldsmobile Hill

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Merlin's Epic Birthday Bash at Glamis! Full Send in a Model A with Paddles Up Oldsmobile Hill

@MerlinsOldSchoolGarage is turning double nickels 55! He invited friends, family, and fans to help celebrate him and join in on the fun. This was the most epic birthday ever! A huge thank you to everyone that helped celebrate Merlin's birthday at the sand dunes! Get your MOSG Glamis merchandise at Shirts, stickers and flags! Check it out! Special shout out to: @CaseysOffRoadRecovery for the speakers and microphone set up for the give away @FabRats for packing up the family and crew and hauling them out to CA @SENDITNATION for joining us from Utah just to send it with me at Glamis ​⁠@jetskijim007 for all your help and support @glamisbums for the free swag bags @lockdyn for making the trip to celebrate my birthday Check out epic in cab footage from Send It Rubi oh her YouTube here:
233, 792   |   4 мес. назад  |   16, 462 - 0

Merlin's Epic Birthday Bash at Glamis! Full Send in a Model A with Paddles Up Oldsmobile Hill

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@MerlinsOldSchoolGarage is turning double nickels 55! He invited friends, family, and fans to help celebrate him and join in on the fun. This was the most epic birthday ever! A huge thank you to everyone that helped celebrate Merlin's birthday at the sand dunes!

Get your MOSG Glamis merchandise at
Shirts, stickers and flags! Check it out!

Special shout out to: @CaseysOffRoadRecovery for the speakers and microphone set up for the give away
@FabRats for packing up the family and crew and hauling them out to CA @SENDITNATION for joining us from Utah just to send it with me at Glamis ​⁠@jetskijim007 for all your help and support @glamisbums for the free swag bags @lockdyn for making the trip to celebrate my birthday

Check out epic in cab footage from Send It Rubi oh her YouTube here:

Merlin's Epic Birthday Bash at Glamis! Full Send in a Model A with Paddles Up Oldsmobile Hill

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