$120,000 YouTuber Ping Pong Competition!

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$120,000 YouTuber Ping Pong Competition!

12 of the biggest creators on the platform compete in the most epic, most intense ping pong tournament EVER. As usual, you guys, the Mafia, have all the control! Thank you to Current for making this possible! Make sure you all go to https://www.current.com/pingpong and sign up for a Current account so you can join in future events! For more information on our event NFTs, head to https://xpp.madworld.io 0:00 Tour 6:56 - Intro 12:40 - Rules of the game 17:35 - Practice match . ----------- Round 1 ----------- 20:40 - 1st match 22:30 - (Raze Rug vs. ZHC) . 31:00 - 2nd match 33:32 - (Tanner Fox vs. Aaron's Animals) . 38:35 - 3rd match 40:35 - (Brent Rivera vs. Ryan Trahan) . 47:00 - 4th match 48:15 - (Zach King vs. Bryce Hall) . 51:55 - 5th match 54:15 - (Charly Jordan vs. Pierson Wodzynski) . 1:03:00 - 6th match 1:05:15 - (Alex Warren vs. Anas) . ---------- Quarter Finals ---------- 1:14:00 - Distraction of the Game 1:16:15 - Demonstration (practice match) 1:19:30 - Presenting Phase 2 match duels 1:21:20 - Rules of the game . 1:22:30 - 1st match 1:25:38 - (Faze Rug vs. Aaron's Animals) . 1:36:00 - 2nd match 1:38:40 - (Brent Rivera vs. Zach King) . 1:47:00 - 3rd match 1:49:20 - (Charly Jordan vs. Anas) . 1:57:20 - 4th match 1:59:40 - (ZHC vs. Ryan Trahan) . . ---------- SEMI-FINALS ---------- 2:22:45 - Rules and The duels of the game . 2:24:00 - 1st match 2:26:10 - (Aaron's Animals vs. Zach King) . 2:43:15 - 2nd match 2:45:30 - (Anas vs. ZHC) . . ---------- THE FINALS ---------- 2:59:50 - Rules and the duel of the game . 3:03:00 - Final Match 3:08:00 - (Zach King vs. Anas) . . ---------- THE WINNER ---------- 3:24:15 - And the winner is...
5, 840, 100   |   3 год. назад  |   111, 389 - 0

$120,000 YouTuber Ping Pong Competition!

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12 of the biggest creators on the platform compete in the most epic, most intense ping pong tournament EVER. As usual, you guys, the Mafia, have all the control!

Thank you to Current for making this possible! Make sure you all go to and sign up for a Current account so you can join in future events!

For more information on our event NFTs, head to

0:00 Tour
6:56 - Intro
12:40 - Rules of the game
17:35 - Practice match
----------- Round 1 -----------
20:40 - 1st match
22:30 - (Raze Rug vs. ZHC)
31:00 - 2nd match
33:32 - (Tanner Fox vs. Aaron's Animals)
38:35 - 3rd match
40:35 - (Brent Rivera vs. Ryan Trahan)
47:00 - 4th match
48:15 - (Zach King vs. Bryce Hall)
51:55 - 5th match
54:15 - (Charly Jordan vs. Pierson Wodzynski)
1:03:00 - 6th match
1:05:15 - (Alex Warren vs. Anas)
---------- Quarter Finals ----------
1:14:00 - Distraction of the Game
1:16:15 - Demonstration (practice match)
1:19:30 - Presenting Phase 2 match duels
1:21:20 - Rules of the game
1:22:30 - 1st match
1:25:38 - (Faze Rug vs. Aaron's Animals)
1:36:00 - 2nd match
1:38:40 - (Brent Rivera vs. Zach King)
1:47:00 - 3rd match
1:49:20 - (Charly Jordan vs. Anas)
1:57:20 - 4th match
1:59:40 - (ZHC vs. Ryan Trahan)
---------- SEMI-FINALS ----------
2:22:45 - Rules and The duels of the game
2:24:00 - 1st match
2:26:10 - (Aaron's Animals vs. Zach King)
2:43:15 - 2nd match
2:45:30 - (Anas vs. ZHC)
---------- THE FINALS ----------
2:59:50 - Rules and the duel of the game
3:03:00 - Final Match
3:08:00 - (Zach King vs. Anas)
---------- THE WINNER ----------
3:24:15 - And the winner is...

$120,000 YouTuber Ping Pong Competition!

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