BASE Jumping the Titan | Miles Above: S1E10

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BASE Jumping the Titan | Miles Above: S1E10

The sky-piercing spires of Fisher Towers near Moab, Utah provide the perfect final frontier for our last installment of Miles Above. Join our trio of ace air jockeys Miles, JT Holmes and Andy Lewis as they take BASE Jumping to the edge of the map, confronting swirling winds and miniscule landing spots armed with nothing more than their 'chutes, rope and a ton of hope. ▶︎ Watch season 2 here: Can these steeple-swooping mud tower marauders nail a landing atop that tiny sandstone sliver called Kingfisher? Watch and learn. #redbull #milesabove #basejump - Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your 'stoke factor' to be at an all time high. Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Instagram: Red Bull on Twitter:
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BASE Jumping the Titan  | Miles Above: S1E10

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The sky-piercing spires of Fisher Towers near Moab, Utah provide the perfect final frontier for our last installment of Miles Above. Join our trio of ace air jockeys Miles, JT Holmes and Andy Lewis as they take BASE Jumping to the edge of the map, confronting swirling winds and miniscule landing spots armed with nothing more than their 'chutes, rope and a ton of hope.

▶︎ Watch season 2 here:

Can these steeple-swooping mud tower marauders nail a landing atop that tiny sandstone sliver called Kingfisher? Watch and learn.

#redbull #milesabove #basejump

Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.

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BASE Jumping the Titan  | Miles Above: S1E10

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