What’s in the air you breathe? - Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll

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What’s in the air you breathe? - Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll

Together, nitrogen, oxygen and argon make up 99.93% of our air. So what’s the other .07%? Find out what makes up the air you breathe. -- Take a deep breath. In a single intake of air, your lungs swell with roughly 25 sextillion molecules, ranging from days-old compounds, to those formed billions of years in the past. In fact, many of the molecules you’re breathing were likely exhaled by members of ancient civilizations and innumerable humans since. But what exactly are we all breathing? Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll investigate. Lesson by Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll, directed by Sharon Colman. Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/TEDEdPatreon Check out our merch: http://bit.ly/TEDEDShop ---------------------------------------------- Connect With Us ---------------------------------------------- Sign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletter Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TEDEdFacebook Find us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdTwitter Peep us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TEDEdInstagram ---------------------------------------------- Keep Learning ---------------------------------------------- View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-s-in-the-air-you-breathe-amy-hrdina-and-jesse-kroll Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-s-in-the-air-you-breathe-amy-hrdina-and-jesse-kroll#digdeeper Animator's website: http://www.sharoncolman.com ---------------------------------------------- Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Cindy O., Jørgen Østerpart, Tyron Jung, Carolyn Corwin, Carsten Tobehn, Katie Dean, Ezgi Yersu, Gerald Onyango, alessandra tasso, Côme Vincent, Doreen Reynolds-Consolati, Manognya Chakrapani, Ayala Ron, Samantha Chow, Eunsun Kim, Phyllis Dubrow, Ophelia Gibson Best, Paul Schneider, Joichiro Yamada, Henrique 'Sorín' Cassús, Lyn-z Schulte, Elaine Fitzpatrick, Karthik Cherala, Clarence E. Harper Jr., Clarissa Bartolini-Toro, Vignan Velivela, Ana Maria, Exal Enrique Cisneros Tuch, Srikote Naewchampa, Tejas Dc, Khalifa Alhulail, Martin Stephen, Dan Paterniti, Jose Henrique Leopoldo e Silva, Elnathan Joshua Bangayan, Jayant Sahewal, Mandeep Singh, Abhijit Kiran Valluri, Morgan Williams, Kris Siverhus, Devin Harris, Pavel Zalevskiy, Karen Goepen-Wee, Filip Dabrowski, Barbara Smalley, Megan Douglas, Tim Leistikow, Renhe Ji, Maya Toll and Ka-Hei Law.
370, 803   |   4 год. назад  |   13, 755 - 0

What’s in the air you breathe? - Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll

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Together, nitrogen, oxygen and argon make up 99.93% of our air. So what’s the other .07%? Find out what makes up the air you breathe.


Take a deep breath. In a single intake of air, your lungs swell with roughly 25 sextillion molecules, ranging from days-old compounds, to those formed billions of years in the past. In fact, many of the molecules you’re breathing were likely exhaled by members of ancient civilizations and innumerable humans since. But what exactly are we all breathing? Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll investigate.

Lesson by Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll, directed by Sharon Colman.

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Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Cindy O., Jørgen Østerpart, Tyron Jung, Carolyn Corwin, Carsten Tobehn, Katie Dean, Ezgi Yersu, Gerald Onyango, alessandra tasso, Côme Vincent, Doreen Reynolds-Consolati, Manognya Chakrapani, Ayala Ron, Samantha Chow, Eunsun Kim, Phyllis Dubrow, Ophelia Gibson Best, Paul Schneider, Joichiro Yamada, Henrique 'Sorín' Cassús, Lyn-z Schulte, Elaine Fitzpatrick, Karthik Cherala, Clarence E. Harper Jr., Clarissa Bartolini-Toro, Vignan Velivela, Ana Maria, Exal Enrique Cisneros Tuch, Srikote Naewchampa, Tejas Dc, Khalifa Alhulail, Martin Stephen, Dan Paterniti, Jose Henrique Leopoldo e Silva, Elnathan Joshua Bangayan, Jayant Sahewal, Mandeep Singh, Abhijit Kiran Valluri, Morgan Williams, Kris Siverhus, Devin Harris, Pavel Zalevskiy, Karen Goepen-Wee, Filip Dabrowski, Barbara Smalley, Megan Douglas, Tim Leistikow, Renhe Ji, Maya Toll and Ka-Hei Law.

What’s in the air you breathe? - Amy Hrdina and Jesse Kroll

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