The danish Jacob Gurevitsch unleashed his impressive Spanish guitar skills and laced together ‘Melancolía’ in Majorca. And it is Majorca where the Grammy-nominated Buika, the flamenco singer with attitude who takes the vocal reins in ‘Melancolía’, originally comes from.
‘Melancolía’ EP →
The song drips with emotion, an exploration of love and beauty and recourse for painful times.
Danes are known for their tendency to- wards melancholy and therefore Copen- hagen newcomers DJ DIVO & OliO has made a dub inspired, almost Gotan Pro- ject like remix of 'Melancolía'. Together with the added drums and dubby effects DJ DIVO & OliO lets the grey Nordic despondency make way for a kind of poetic wallowing that compliments the Spanish guitar and Buika’s singing.
The song also represents a massive turning point in Jacob’s life after a great friend passed, a movement in which appreciation of people and things became the key to life.
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