Все видео Jamie Slays
Все видео Jamie Slays
This all that remains song has to be down picked
Добавлено: 9 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Can you recognise these metal riffs
Добавлено: 9 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Can you name this epic Slipknot guitar riff??
Добавлено: 9 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
What #metallica riff is this?!
Добавлено: 9 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
I Found The Secret To Authentic Metallica Guitar T...
Добавлено: 9 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Unlock your guitar potential with this hack!
Добавлено: 10 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Can you guess this epic e standard riff?
Добавлено: 10 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Can you guess this super fast Metallica riff?
Добавлено: 10 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Metal guitar gear giveaway!
Добавлено: 10 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
Can you guess this Metallica riff ??
Добавлено: 10 мес.
Добавил: Jamie Slays
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Jamie Slays Видео - RusLar.Me