Song: Your body is sacred , Reclaim your energy.
Song Writer : Pythagoras
Vocals By Rua Ferreira
Light Language by the Arcturians
"Reclaim your energy from anything and anyone .
Reclaim your energy from places and things oh yeah .
Your body is sacred. Your energy is sacred.
Choose your lovers and friends wisely.
Remember .
What you stay focused on will grow. oh yeah .
What you stay focused on will manifest , oh remember .
Let your head and heart speak as one voice
Let your head and heart speak as one voice
[Arcturian light language]
[eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh
allowing your head and your heart to do a symbiotic dance , oh remember .
eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh
Zianara katara ene , siarati , enara , kurati llenari , seyanarakatari ,Zianara katara ene .]
Reclaim your energy from anything and anyone . reclaim your energy from places and things oh yeah .
Your body is sacred. Your energy is sacred. Choose your lovers and friends wisely.
oh reclaim your energy from places and things oh yeah
[eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh ,
eyane akatarana eh , eyane akatarana eh .]
5D ONE LOVE , thanks for listening . if this song resonated with you , share it !