Dynamics in music explained! Learn the dynamics in music today in 4 min! Dynamics are the music symbols and terms that tell you how loud or soft to play your instrument or to sing. The dynamics music terms we will go over are: pianissimo, piano, mezzopiano, mezzoforte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo, diminuendo, descrescendo, sforzando, forzando, sfortado, fortepiano, subito piano, pianississimo, fortessissimo. I will have examples for each of these dynamics written and played on the piano. the piece I will be playing to demonstrate these examples is Prelude in G minor by Rachmaninoff (Rachmaninov), one of my favorites. By the end of this video, you will know all of the music terms in Italian with definitions for dynamics, be able to recognize the dynamics in your music, and be ready to play and practice the piano or another instrument to best express the written dynamics in your music. Your music will really be taken to the next level with the content of this video! Do not miss dynamics in music explained! Loud or soft? I will present the dynamics in music with examples, with the Italian words, in a white board animation. Enjoy!
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Dynamics in music, dynamic terms, dynamics in music examples, dynamics in music explained, dynamics in music piano, dynamics in music meaning, dynamics in music meaning, dynamics Italian words, music theory, music theory dynamics, loud or soft in music, forte, piano, mezzoforte, mezzopiano, pianissimo, fortissimo, crescendo, diminuendo, practical piano tips, basic dynamics in music theory, what are dynamics in music?, music,
"The LORD bless you and keep you, the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORd lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26