[music] FA4S
[song] Let Me Go Back To Sleep
[year] 2020
[album] N/A
[video] mortum
A spot on the mirror
I stand as my doubt
took over
A vain attempt
to hold it within
Again back to sleep
Just let me go back to sleep
Back to sleep
I stand corrected and slightly pleased
Despite the crumbling world
Me only to be crushed and erased
Only to be crushed and erased
Again back to sleep
Just let me go back to sleep
Back to sleep
Back to sleep
In recent fall in lowering importance
Some twisted slide show of my life
I do not count
I just erase what was and what still is mine
Only to be pushed down and osterized
I need to step away
From all that heavy and mean
I need to go back to sleep
Just let me go back to sleep