Kin Tin Krew Friends! -
What's Up Kin Tin Krew!! Today is the OPENING DAY of my NEW RESTAURANT! I have always wanted to open my own restaurant but there was one problem... I didn't have any Chefs! I needed to hurry and find some Chefs! Luckily I quickly found 2 chefs. They both only knew how to make cereal but we could work out that minor detail later haha Not only did my restaurant not have Chefs but it didn't have a sign, menu or even FOOD! We quickly made my restaurant sign, it's called Kin Tin's Restaurant! Chef RoRo and Daddy also made an open and closed sign. Then I made a menu while RoRo made the grocery list since we were completely out of food. However, the only thing RoRo put on the menu was Corn and Strawberries! I ran to the store and grabbed as many items as I could then brought it back to the restaurant to get it all set up for Opening! Finally, we opened and our first customer arrived! You wont believe what she ordered...Strawberries and Corn! She loved it but then she ordered eggs and toast! Chef RoRo and I accidentally kept dropping the eggs and toast so we had to serve egg shells and toast with dirt on it! I was so nervous the customer would give my restaurant a bad review but she ended up LOVING the food! She loves eating egg shells and toast with dirt! She gave us all a tip, said she was coming back for dinner, and gave my restaurant a 5 Star Review!! I was so happy!
More Fun Videos! -- THE FLOOR IS LAVA!! Kin Tin is the Boss of the Construction Job! RoRo Builds Helicopter to Escape!
Thanks For Watching! See you next time guys!✌️😘