Release: 26.07.2024 (26th July)
Wraithfyre is a UK-based one man project playing furious blast of icy black metal.
Echoes of a Forgotten Dream
On the winds of time they ride
Blackened warlords in the shadow
Whispers from dark times of pain
Evoking tales of darkened woe
Echoes from forgotten dreams
Calling horror from the darkness
Demons dark and summoned fears
Nightfall bring unholy majesty
Blazing fire, infernal night
Spirits gathered in abyssal frost
Wraiths emerging, warfare grim
Emanating from the dark within
Frost-rimmed blades in darkened depths
Worship now the Lord of Death
Proselytising hymns most black
Thunder rolling in eternal end
(C) Naturmacht Productions |
#wraithfyre #blackmetal #naturmachtproductions