Various Artists - Musical Massage, Volume Three [new age/meditative]

Просмотров: 79   |   Загружено: 3 мес.
Zones Quest
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one of those unpretentious records for which the title simply speaks for itself. although the music therein should not be constrained to a typical "massage" context - hell, if you're creative (and crazy) enough you can use it for whatever you like.! me? i'm gonna pump these hardcore hardhalcyon hardhits at the next rave; just gonna drop 'em in there and see what kind of spasmodic chaos ensues - whoever remains on the dancefloor wins... nothing. xD
notwithstanding all that, i hope you enjoy this soothing sojourn!
track 1 by Jim Oliver
track 2 by Charley Thweatt
track 3 by David & Steve Gordon
track 4 by Vance König and Warren Weisbach

00:00 The Crystal Star
15:28 Piano Whispers
29:49 Nature Spirits
45:31 Rosewood & Silver

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Various Artists - Musical Massage, Volume Three [new age/meditative] - RusLar.Me