Gayle wanted to have fun dancing at various social events she was attending but she didn't have the movements or the skills to do so.
Before we started working together, Gayle didn't know how to improvise, she lacked rhythm and coordination - basic skills required to at least blend in with others on the dance floor. Her repertoire of movements was limited and her body felt stiff when she was trying to move. All of that caused discomfort whenever she would find herself at parties and weddings.
Gayle joined Confidence Through Dance - my online program where I transform clients from not enjoying themselves when dancing in front of others to being confident, skilled social dancers through a proven step-by-step system that has already helped thousands of beginners all over the world.
Absolutely! Gayle never skipped another party, she’s dancing with total strangers for hours while being complimented left and right on her dance moves and skills.
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Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@igetdance
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