THE FLOOR IS LAVA!! Kin Tin is the Boss of the Construction Job! RoRo Builds Helicopter to Escape!

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Kin Tin is the Boss and hires Mom, Dad and RoRo to build a HELICOPTER to get over LAVA!!

Kin Tin Krew Friends! -

What's Up Kin Tin Krew!! Today I am the Boss and half of our floor at home is lava! I am the construction manager and I need to hire some workers to build something that will get us over the lava so I can shut off the lava button! Mommy Mick, Daddy Kyle and RoRo all want to be hired for the construction job! I had to put them through some tests before they could be hired though. First, they each had to do the first test which was to give me a high five...that was pretty easy! The next challenge was I chased them and I had to tag each of them. Dad was being funny and he used RoRo as a shield so I couldn't tag him! The last challenge was that they had to chase and tag me! I love playing tag, it's super fun! They all passed the challenges so they were all hired! Since I was the boss I needed each of them to build something that would get us over the lava. Dad went first and we chose to build a chair! The chair was a great idea! Mom sat in the chair to test it out and it broke while she was in it! That was super funny! The chair didn't work so mom was next and she made a slide! The slide was awesome but it was too short to make it to the lava. I love slides so I went down it but I slid right into the lava!! The slide didn't work either so RoRo decided to build a helicopter!! We all worked as a family together to build the helicopter. Working as a team is always fun! The helicopter turned out so cool. RoRo and I got to actually ride in the helicopter and it took us across the lava! It WORKED!! All the building and running around made us kind of tired though so RoRo and I fell asleep when we finally reached the couch before turning off the lava. Mom and Dad were still on the other side of the lava! Mom and Dad tried waking us up by cheering and yelling. We were just pretending to sleep though! Then RoRo and I turned the lava button off at the same time! YAY!! I hope you enjoy this video and have fun creating your own floor is lava challenges!

More Fun Videos! -- Valentines Day Crafts with Kin Tin and RoRo ❤️ Magical Unicorn Valentines Box! Silly DIY Love Bugs!

Thanks For Watching! See you next time guys!✌️😘

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  © 2019-2021
  THE FLOOR IS LAVA!! Kin Tin is the Boss of the Construction Job! RoRo Builds Helicopter to Escape! - RusLar.Me