Editing this together took forever, so I hope this video will be a helpful resource for anyone looking to learn about how FNaF4 works. Regardless, I appreciate all the support on the previous two videos and I've already got a fun little video in the works that I hope won't take quite as much time.
Thanks to Folmic, GBAura, and others for giving me feedback, I appreciate it a ton ♥
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If you're wondering if the game functioned any differently in older versions, it did! Check out the changelog here:
_*Yes, I know the video is quiet, this was fixed for future videos, do not worry!*_
1. _Fredbear/Nightmare's AFK kill is 25 seconds, not 15 seconds like in the script._
2. _Nightmare Balloon Boy's starting aggression is still randomised from 1-3 like Plushtrap, only being more aggressive (1-5) after the first successful movement._
3. _Also, despite saying that the kitchen acts the same as the middle, I still show the possibility for Chica to go to the hall from the kitchen; she cannot!_
4. _Bonnie takes an additional second compared to Chica before being able to attack._
*Q:* _I heard breathing, closed the door for long enough, but they didn't leave. What happened?_
*A:* Close the door when you hear them breathing, and you’ll always be safe. Right? Unfortunately, not exactly. There’s a small oversight, another discovery by Folmic, where if you're closing the door during a 10-second interval, Bonnie or Chica may not be able to be cleared. This is because during the door closing animation, you’re not considered to be listening to the door, allowing them to move back to the far hall, but then you finish closing the door and trigger that mechanic that moves them back, but disables clearing them.
Because this animation is 10 frames long, it essentially means that you have a 1/60 chance of the door not working. Your only real recourse is if you notice that you hear footsteps from that side right after closing the door, and not later, and then you can just open it, check for breathing and close it again if you’re right.
*Q:* _I closed the door on Fredbear/Nightmare, but I still died?_
*A:* Animatronics can only be cleared from the door or closet at 3-second intervals, so that means that you were unfortunately too slow.
*Q:* _What does the breathing sound like?_
*A:* I play part of the sound at 3:34. You need to watch out for subtle sounds and be patient, the full sound (along with every other) can be heard here:
*Q:* _What about the Halloween Edition animatronics (Nightmarionne, Nightmare Mangle, etc.)?_
*A:* They're just reskins. The only differences are that you can't see Nightmare Mangle in the hall (and she makes radio noises when he's in the closet), and there is a music box that plays whenever Nightmarionne is active
*Q:* _What about the cupcake?_
*A:* That is Nightmare Chica's bedroom jumpscare if she's by the door for too long (3:08 for how long)
0:00 Intro
0:26 The Basics
1:33 Bonnie & Chica
4:32 Foxy
6:29 Freddy
7:47 Fredbear & Nightmare
9:57 Miscellaneous
11:19 Plushtrap
12:57 Outro