00:00 l0ws - offline
02:24 thenian - river's end
05:50 hallow - drifter
07:57 nectry - see, I'm sorry
10:07 daniel.mp3, zamaro - eternal
11:46 hallow - until
14:31 the caretaker - past life regression
18:59 yugo - thoughts
20:55 nowt - what it feels like when insomnia kicks in
35:35 bluegaze - isolation
37:54 thenian - .
41:57 endless withdrawal - temporary
43:50 arrival in eden - just a... dream
47:49 the caretaker - their story is lost
51:39 ephraim lovelace - hope
55:26 daniel.mp3 - 3 am walk (slower version)
59:03 hozuki - snowfield
visuals by me (taken from gta: san andreas), all rights to the original owners, i don't own any music in this video, except for 'nowt' music