Here's a break from all the music content I usually post 😂. Me and my fiancé did a trip out to Yosemite and we decided to stay in a tiny home cuz let's be honest, when will I ever actually live in a Tiny home haha.
The tiny home was located in Mariposa , about an hour away from Yosemite. It was a bit in the woods so really gave that camping feel. Also had no Wi-Fi so it made for a fun and goofy time haha.
Anyways seeing Yosemite for the first time was an amazing experience haha. Documented it all in this vlog if you care to watch , if not then stay tuned for more music content cuz we dropping music all 2022 you heard !? 💯
#tinyhome #tinyhomeonwheels #campingvlog #camping #mariposa #yosemite