Title: Downstream Effort| Type: original calm piano music session
I learned about the idea of downstream effort in a speech by Bethany Butzer (here: ).
In her talk she’s sharing a couple valuable ideas that seem to relate to each other, one of those being what she calls downstream effort.
The analogy comes from paddling a boat up or down a river. Up means upstream. That’s hard. It’s hard because to get ahead we need to outpace the stream itself first, which goes the opposite direction of where we want to go. We lose much of our energy working or fighting just against the stream. Depending on the scenario one might even ask if such an effort makes sense at all or for how long this kind of effort can be sustained. Might it be an option to ask for help or hire others to pull or push the load together? Or should we find another way to get to our goal or destination? Or is the goal even the right one for us?
Our destination might be one of the dreams or ideas we desire to reach. It might be our work. The stream might be energy that goes against our values, it might be an oversaturated marketplace, inflation, it might be toxic coworkers, boss, company, culture, toxic people close or less close to you, a wrong environment, traffic jam, an illness, a situation, or simply a goal not aligned with our true selves? …all things that pull much energy before we can get any step ahead.
Then there’s downstream effort. It’s nice, first because of the absence of some of the energy working against us. Also, because by just placing our boat in there it travels in the direction of the stream on its own. We just want to make sure not to bump into any rocks, corners, or other boats while traveling. But in general, traveling the pace of the river this way seems to be quite effortless.
So what can be such downstream currents in our lives? Well, that’s your task to find out.
It might be a path followed that’s truly authentic to you, not something you are enchanted to do or believe by society, norms, external influences, even parents, but maybe something based on the spirit inside you, a talent or set of talents you're born with, or have been guided to be good at, something you’re just naturally better than most by default. Or knowledge or skills you acquired in your life. Imagine building effort on top of that. It might be living in accordance with your current values. It might be a healthy environment on many levels. Or as big and beautiful as living a life aligned with your true self. Try reflecting what upstream and downstream effort might be to you. Maybe do a personal list again. Maybe share your findings in the comments to help inspire others.
That’s basically it.
Another Michael note: I think we humans are made to spend some time in our high effort zone. That’s what the eyebrows in our faces are for. So we can still see our path even when the sweat is flowing. In this super competitive world, I have a feeling, healthy and happy will be the ones who figure out what they truly are, what it is they want to add to the party, and who live by that. The right balance of effort and rest can get us there. I’m still working on my personal life flow. Do You?
Hope you also enjoy the music,
💛 Michael (relaxdaily*)
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*I’m Michael and I enjoy creating music. I play, compose and record mostly calm and peaceful tunes and share these here on the relaxdaily YouTube channel since 2011.
Many use my recordings and piano music sessions as background music while reading, doing mind work, to achieve better focus, while studying, while being creative, while coding or designing a product, a service or the world of tomorrow. From your comments I know that my music also works as relaxing music (also stress relief, depression or anxiety dissolving music), spa or yoga music, or to set a calm tone at cafes, bars, lounges, in hotels and restaurants, mostly at a low volume.
You can read my artist statement here:
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Michael a.k.a. relaxdaily
© music & video (2023) relaxdaily.net
#calm #piano #pianomusic