We've all heard: trusting your intuition is vital. But is there a time to do the counter intuitive thing and GO AGAINST intuitive decision making? For more, come to:
I don't know about the science of intuition. But from Oprah on, I keep hearing: trust your intuition, your inner voice, your inner voices.
But are there times when intuitive decision making is wrong and even dangerous? I've just had a powerful experience of my inner voices going against what I later saw as best for me. This made me think of an earlier experience where trusting my intuition cut me off from something that could have been great for me.
Some people would argue that, if the inner voices are wrong, they're not intuitive guidance. But I had no way of knowing the difference.
So I'm not against listening to yourself, listening to your inner voices. I just say: be cautious.
Especially, I've identified times when it's especially important to be careful, when it's especially likely that our inner voices may be cutting us off from wonderful experiences.
So, trusting your intuition? Intuitive decision making? Woman's intuition? Men and intuition?
If you're interested in how to develop intuition, part of it must be: learn when NOT to trust your inner voices.
You may consider it counter intuitive. And you're right: it is counter intuitive.
Our intuition says (like many people): I am right, do this, this is the right thing to do, don't do this and you're be sorry.
My answer to my inner voices: You're not more perfect than the rest of us. Maybe you were right some time in the past, you're not always right now.
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