What PEOPLE Thinks About AMERICAN Countries! #geography #america #google

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This is what Google Autocorrection thinks about American Countries!

Video Transcript:
People ask Google why the USA is so powerful. And why is Mexico so poor? Why is Peru so dry? And tell me google why Chile is so incredibly long. Why is Colobia so dangerous? And why is Brazil so damn big. Oh, we forgot Canada. Why it is so cold? Why is Venezuela so poor despite having tons of oil? Why is Suriname so empty? And why is Argentina so good at soccer? Why is Uruguay so white? And why is Bolivia so bad at soccer? Why is Paraguay so happy? Why is Ecuador so populated? And Guayana why is it so rich? And lastly please tell me why is French Guiana so French.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  What PEOPLE Thinks About AMERICAN Countries! #geography #america #google - RusLar.Me