Underworld - Best Mamgu Ever/Banstyle/Cherry Pie/Improv [Live, Oblivion with Bells Tour]

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Zones Quest
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another sumptuous serving of goodness from the pinnacle of the "Oblivion with Bells" era. while the sound quality isn't perfect, the music most definitely IS. xD
we start off with two sleek chilled-out voyages, then reach improv heaven before barreling straight into one of the most majestic bangers ever crafted, then finishing off with some more freestyle jammin'. i hope you enjoy!
excerpted from a live concert performed in an unknown venue at an unknown time.
music performed by Rick Smith, Darren Price & Karl Hyde
music composed by Rick Smith, Darren Emerson & Karl Hyde

00:00 Best Mamgu Ever
08:58 Banstyle
16:51 Improv
20:02 Cherry Pie
28:18 Improv

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Добавлено: 55 год.
  © 2019-2021
  Underworld - Best Mamgu Ever/Banstyle/Cherry Pie/Improv [Live, Oblivion with Bells Tour] - RusLar.Me