we start off with two sleek chilled-out voyages, then reach improv heaven before barreling straight into one of the most majestic bangers ever crafted, then finishing off with some more freestyle jammin'. i hope you enjoy!
excerpted from a live concert performed in an unknown venue at an unknown time.
music performed by Rick Smith, Darren Price & Karl Hyde
music composed by Rick Smith, Darren Emerson & Karl Hyde
00:00 Best Mamgu Ever
08:58 Banstyle
16:51 Improv
20:02 Cherry Pie
28:18 Improv
#underworld #underworldlive #underworldconcert #bestmamguever #oblivionwithbells #banstyle #sappyscurry #cherrypie #rowla #underworldcherrypie #underworldrowla #secondtoughestintheinfants #airtowel #deeparch #underworlddeeparch #underworldairtowel #underworldimprov #improv #borialis #darrenprice #beaucoupfish #oblivionwithbells #ringroad #holdingthemoth #beautifulburnout #sidestep #everybodyjack #shakethathigher #ahundreddaysoff #essgee #luetin #balletlane #dinosuaradventure3d #twomonthsoff #trim #twist #littlespeaker #momove #solasistem #themisterons #mmmskyscraperiloveyou #jamscraper #underworldband #rare #underworldunreleased #unreleased #underworldrare #underworldrarities #rarities #bsides #ricksmith #karlhyde #darrenemerson #underworldbsides #underworldraretracks #dubnobasswithmyheadman #darkandlong #darktrain #underworlddarklong #underworlddarktrain #spoonman #surfboy #tongue #skyscraper #riverofbass #motherearth #cowgirl #rez #dirtyepic