-- FR -- Fondée en 1991 dans la France méridionale, GORGON fait partie des premières formations black metal de l'Hexagone, au côté des Seth, Blut Aus Nord, Godkiller, Belenos, Himinbjorg, Merrimack, puis Deathspell Omega, etc. Aujourd'hui la liste est longue, mais n'oublions pas GORGON, gardien du temple et terrible en live ! Le 29/11/2024, le label français @osmoseproductions-official publie leur 7ème brûlot : For Those Who Stay. Ne manquez pas notre interview rare de son leader et co-fondateur, Chris (guitare/chant et claviers). Fans d'IMPALED NAZARENE et de black metal old school in your face mais mélodique, vous ne serez point déçus !! Hail Satan !!
Single video(s) :
"Troops of the Fallen" :
Facebook : / osmoseproductions
Twitter : / osmoseprod
Instagram : / osmoseproductions
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Bandcamp :
Soundcloud : / osmoseproductions
Youtube :
-- EN -- Founded in 1991 in southern France, GORGON is one of the first black metal bands in France, alongside Seth, Blut Aus Nord, Godkiller, Belenos, Himinbjorg, Merrimack, then Deathspell Omega, etc. Today the list is long, but let's not forget GORGON, guardian of the temple and terrible live! On 11/29/2024, the French label Osmose Productions releases their 7th hottie: For Those Who Stay. Don't miss our rare interview with its leader and co-founder, Chris (guitar/vocals and keyboards). Fans of IMPALED NAZARENE and old school in your face but melodic black metal, you will not be disappointed!! Hail Satan!!