So today's SURPRISE SHOUTOUT goes to CASH GUY. Please go subscribe to his channel here: and let's get him to at least 5,000 subs and beyond.
You can pick up your copy of one of the best selling self-help books📚 Think and Grow Rich💰 by Napoleon Hill here: 👈
The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent consists of six definite, practical steps:
1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say, "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount.
2. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for nothing.")
3. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
4. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.
5. Write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire. Name the time limit for its acquisition. State what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
6. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after rising in the morning. AS YOU READ, SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.
Ok, PhantomDrawing here and let's go through those 6 steps again. So step 1 is to decide the exact amount of money you desire. What is it? Is it $50,000... $100,000... $1,000,000... or maybe it's $10,000,000? How much money is it? What is the exact amount of money you desire?
Step 2 what do you intend to give in return for this money? Are you gonna climb the corporate ladder? Ask your boss for a raise? Work more hours? Are you gonna start a side hustle? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna start a YouTube channel and do some affiliate marketing like me or are you gonna take a shot at Amazon FBA or Shopify dropshipping or are you gonna go the social media marketing agency route? Maybe you're gonna start a ATM or vending machine business. What value are you going to give to the marketplace in order to earn this money as you read earlier: (There is no such reality as "something for nothing."). Maybe you watched one of Ryan Pineda's couch flipping videos and you're now gonna start a couch flipping business. There are tons of opportunities out there so stop pretending like there isn't.
Step 3 is to establish a definite date for when you intend to possess the money you desire. So obviously if your goal is $1,000,000 don't put next month from today as that's just foolish unless you're already well off. Be realistic here. The larger the amount give yourself more time and the smaller the amount you may give yourself a shorter window, but obviously avoid the silliness of thinking that you are going to have x amount of dollars tomorrow, next week, or next month.
Next step 4 is to create a definite plan on how you plan on carrying out your desire and to take action now whether you are ready or not. Don't be a procrastinator.
Step 5 is to write down a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire. Name the time limit for its acquisition. State what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it. This is where you put it all down on paper and it's showtime baby. For example, let's say you love tech and all you do is talk about tech 24/7 you can't help yourself and let's say you have a small tech YouTube channel and you're not earning very much from it, but your goal is to one day be a full time tech YouTuber. Now let's say your name is Alex. So Alex writes "I will be earning a generous full time income of $5,000/month by summer next year. I will earn this money by doing high quality unbiased tech review videos, brand deals with companies I support, and through affiliate marketing."
And lastly step 6 is to read your written statement aloud twice daily, once in the morning, and once before bed. Now if you'll excuse me I think it's about time I go write down my own personal written statement.
Not that it matters as these videos are for inspiration, motivation, visualization, and law of attraction purposes only, but comment down below on whether you think the money shown here in this video is real or fake. As always, I can't wait to read your comments LOL!
Filming Equipment:
• Camera: Apple iPhone 12 Purple 128GB:
• Phone Tripod Mount:
• Tripod: Sony VCT-R100: (eBay)
• This video was filmed and edited by PhantomDrawing using the free Shotcut Video Editor:
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