Do you remember the “post-punk revival”? Those few years at the beginning of the 00s where The White Stripes and The Strokes were the coolest thing possible. Perhaps you knew it as the garage rock revival. The NME dubbed this explosion of retro-focused activity “The New Rock Revolution”. Albums like White Blood Cells, Is This It and Up The Bracket brought a whole new wave of indie rock into the mainstream, a wave that stood in stark opposition of the shapeless anger of Nu Metal and the adolescent goofiness of pop-punk. If there was a adjective to best describe the New Rock Revolution it was “cool.” Bands like LCD Soundsystem, TV On The Radio, The Rapture, The Walkmen, Interpol and The Liars all came to prominence during this hive of musical reinvention. But perhaps the band to create the most enduring song of this microcosm was Yeah Yeah Yeahs and their alternative love song for the ages, “Maps”. But why this song and not “Seven Nation Army”, “Last Nite” or even “Losing My Edge”? What has made the Yeah Yeah Yeahs song resonate throughout the last two decades? Here's the story of "Maps".
#YeahYeahYeahs #NewRockRevolution #Documentary
sleepy fish - Procrastinating ()
Avo - First Date ()
sleepy fish - Railways ()
G Mills x Kyle McEvoy - Haze ( / )
B-Side - Pen Anubis ()
Luar - Anchor ()
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