Rare Roots Reggae Heavy Dub Selection
K9 (BKRAS / Thailand)
Selector K9 is a well-established Reggae selector in the Thai reggae dub music scene
since 2015. Hailing from Bangkok, K9 has developed a love for Jamaican and UK
reggae culture, history and music.Shared his sound with the BKRAS family in Bangkok from 2015-2018.
Did a tour in Japan in 2018/2019,Played at various venues throughout the country.
Joined the mighty Srirajah Sound System as main selector in 2019,
Spreading Reggae sound system culture all over Thailand.
Find Mellow Sound Radio :
Instagram : mellowsoundradio
Facebook : Mellow Sound Radio
Find K9 :
Instagram : k9_bkras
#vinylmix #vinylselection
#reggae #dub #heavydub