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Video inspiration!
Martin Steinrucken aka The art of code
Ben Cloward
Smoothstep function!
Shader introduction in Godot!
Shader-Lib addon!
Shader-Lib docs!
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00:00 Intro
01:07 Setup
02:10 Render mode and color
03:03 Water droplets
08:00 Moving the drops
13:47 Randomize the fall
18:20 Drop shape
19:12 Randomize the X position
20:34 Shrinking the drops
22:14 Add wiggle
25:45 Water trails
28:35 Transparency
30:22 Fixing refraction
32:35 Fog
37:45 Distance fade
40:53 More raindrops
#GodotEngine #tutorial #howto #shaders #gamedev