In this video we'll have a look on what is called the France's Empty Diagonal. Not many people know that one third of continental France is almost empty, and when I'm saying empty I refer to a population density of around 30 people on square kilometer which sounds really low comparing to France average population density of 120 people per square kilometers.
This has a lot of causes but two of them are the most important.
But we'll talk more about all of this in this video, so make sure you do not miss it.
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One third of France’s territory is almost empty. But Why?
If we switch the map to the one representing the population density, you’ll quickly notice this corridor of low density, being nearly 1000 kilometers long, with the biggest city inside it being Clermont Ferrand with a population of 141,000 people.
This area known as France’s empty diagonal is bigger than the territories of Austria and Hungary combined.
For you to better understand, the average population density in France is 120 people per square kilometer, compared to only 30 people per square kilometer inside the diagonal.
The first reason for this, is that in the last centuries, France was rapidly urbanizing, with population starting to concentrate around the major cities like Lyon, Marseilles and Paris.
The second reason it’s the natural tendency of the people to live closer to the coastline. The both ends of this diagonal don’t have access to the sea, except for this small part near Spain. If we would rotate this diagonal with 90 degrees you’ll see that the situation would be far different. But
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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