After many years we returned to Vesuvius with our kids! This is a re-visited video for an old video on the channel in the travel series (Interesting places of the World, IPOW, Part II). And I want to show again the breathtaking volcano Vesuvius and the amazing surroundings and views! Being nearby, on the Amalfi Coast or in Naples, in Sorrento, in Pompeii - be sure to climb up to the crater, to the top! You will see amazing views, you will feel the power of the volcano's breath, its dormant power. Enjoy this video! #каналсталевар #stalevarchannel #vesuvius #везувий #интересныеместамира #interestingplacesoftheworld #travel #путешествия #italy #италия #вулкан #vulcano #неаполитанскийзалив #naplesbay #shorts #tourism #discovery #naples #hiking