Yesterday I reached the level 165 with my rogue HATECORE.
Now i got the Set-Buff for Attack Speed.
It is rly funny with it, cuz it looks like Speedhack and it pwnz!
If you got any Questions write it in the Cmnts or pm me.
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Next week i upload a really BIG PK Clip vs. GR and Co.
your pleX.
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PsychadelicS Vendetta Dratan Juno Egeha Merac Merak Strayana Mondshine Mooraska Attentäterin 100 Casting up Schlangenstatuen pwning pvp clip video videogames lc lastchaos usa lastchaos hatecore HATECORE Shahla ShahLa mage GhostsRiders Devilsneighbour SuperBaal Baldy gayface level 165 deadline