Inspired by Andy Weir's fantastic book 'The Martian'. Kenny Schick @ Basement 3 Productions Recording Studio - gave me a little sound scape he'd created on saxophones and asked me to write words to it... at the same time I'd just read about Andy Weir and his book, that he was from Mountain View - where Kenny grew up, and just his story inspired me, then the idea of the book inspired me, I couldn't get the thought of a man left on mars out of my head... his main focus being about staying alive long enough to make communication with earth to hopefully get rescued - made me think of relationships and how they are in essence about communication and when we fall out of communication just how far away we can get to each other, and the process of reconnecting, how do you do it after communication is lost, (and duh the 'men are from mars, women from venus' thing). So Kenny left me alone one night with his protools rig and I got to singing. I sang loud, I sang high, went wayyyy out of my comfort zone and created this song... Kenny then came in and added everything else you hear, crazy electric guitars, space dialogue, percussion etc etc. He is crazy good at that! I told him, no limits, go crazy... because space is endless and I wanted to have that sense of freedom in our creativity too. So... here it is, I wonder what our fans will think of this venture out into space... it's not about the book really just about the idea of it... the book is fantastic - intricate, detailed, factual, I love that he spent so much time researching for his idea... I love that. Made best seller list and that made me so happy! Research Andy Weir - his website has a whole bunch of stuff to read on it and read his book! They are also making a movie... it will be so interesting to see it after reading the book... So.... this is my fan music for Andy Weir - thank you for your inspiration!
#AndyWeir #TheMartian #IndieMusic