In 2179, 99% of Babies are Genetically Enhanced to Become Superhuman

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Movie Recap Lounge
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In future, 99% of humans are genetically modified. Society is divided by the quality of one’s DNA, determining their potential and worth. Vincent Freeman, a naturally conceived "in-valid" who dreams of traveling to the stars despite being deemed inferior by a rigid, gene-obsessed world. To achieve his dream, Vincent assumes the identity of a genetically superior individual, risking everything in a society where even the smallest flaw is a fatal vulnerability.


Movie: Gattaca (1997)

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We do not claim ownership of any film or video clips used in our recaps. All clips and images belong to their respective owners and are used under the terms of Fair Use (Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976) for commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. Fair use is a legally permitted use of copyrighted material that would otherwise be considered infringement.

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Добавлено: 55 год.
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  In 2179, 99% of Babies are Genetically Enhanced to Become Superhuman - RusLar.Me