Darwin Motion Variable Frequency Drive Applications in HVAC Systems
Building heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are designed to operate at the peak load, which only occurs in a very short period of time throughout the year. One of the most effective ways to improve building energy efficiency is to utilize the variable frequency drives (VFDs). They are widely used in the HVAC field, including fans, pumps, compressors, etc. In a VFD-equipped system, the VFD adjusts the speed of one or more motors based on the system load requirements and operation schedule, resulting in a dramatic cut in energy consumption.
Micro Drive- Matrix 900, DR Matrix 350 / Solar Drive, DR Matrix 500, DR Matrix 680, DR Matrix 880
#Variablefrequencydrives #HVACsystems #control #energyefficiency #savings #darwinmotion
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