Tiny & punchy: Check out this perfect pairing of Agean HushHush series cymbals and the Adoro Sweet Sixteen drumkit! Great looks, great sound, great protability... What else could you possible ask for? And that 8" tom is such a cute little rascal, son of a gun!
The kit setup in detail:
Agean HushHush series:
(medium volume, reduced low frequencies & sustain):
16" Crash
18" Crash
14" HiHat
21" Ride
Adoro Sweet Sixteen drumkit:
8", 10", 12" toms
12" snare
16" bass drum
Lotus hardware
Adoro Heritage heads
Feel free to reach out, if you have any questions concerning the gear used in the video. Also I'd be super happy, if you found some time to subscribe @digitaldrumming for more blazing solo drumming, music performance & sound demo video content ✌️
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Thanks for dropping by & happy drumming! 🥁
#ageancymbals #adorodrums #funkdrumming