Mix up of old and new this month. As ever I aim to play you some tunes you have never heard before. Shouts and big thanks to all the regular listeners old and new, either live or on the archive. Also always appreciate those who take the time to share or repost links to the show x
High quality download is available on Soundcloud and full track list below. If you have any tunes you think I may like please send them to me via my SoundCloud, Instagram or Facebook page.
1. International Sangman - Dub 102 - Death Roads And Spirit Ways 2
2. Santos - Work The Box (Vocals)
3. Steve Poindexter - Chaotic Nation
4. Main Street Mining - Main Street - Dungeon Module Volume One
5. Maelstrom - Dublin feat DeFeKT
6. Passarani - Reckless
7. Alonzo - Murmurio
8. Fleck E.S.C - Free Play
9. The Thousand Order - Megabitten
10. Krypton 81 - Die Dunkle Figur
11. Obergman - Centre Of Mass
12.Luxus Varta - Stereo Crime
13. Difool - Obsolete Reality
14. Ste Roberts - After Oval
15. Morphology - Zilog Z80
16. 214 - Linolium or Cardboard
17.Beau Wanzer - Take Your Trash Out
18. The Hacker Vs Commuter - RBMK (MMT-8 Remix)
19. Ouxh - Machines In Care