Apple Podcasts:
00:00 Introduction
00:15 The first artist you put on a pedestal?
02:10 The first artist you saw yourself in?
04:09 Cypress Hill’s trademark ominous darkness
08:14 The next album & where Cypress Hill can go
11:49 Trust the first three Cypress Hill albums & record label drama
15:41 Longevity and the beginning of the Cypress Hill fanbase
21:19 The fans, Chuck D from Public Enemy & never meeting your heroes
23:39 Surviving gunshots and destiny, leaving the gang life
29:31 How did you start writing?
32:01 What he wanted to be when he grew up
34:29 The wildness of the last two years & connecting
36:19 Prophets of Rage & how he almost fronted Audioslave
41:17 Which Public Enemy song do you wish you wrote?
41:51 The Public Enemy logo and heavy metal & Chuck’s art prowess
43:25 Connecting with the metal community & falling in love with hip-hop
46:12 The first Cypress Hill guitar lick on “Pigs” & longevity
48:06 The next album
48:38 Your Musical Mount Rushmore
49:29 Five Songs That Changed Your Life
50:48 The next Cypress Hill album, “Back in Black”
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