Many believe that dystopia is an inevitable outcome of human nature and therefore cannot be escaped nor overcome. And this also seems to be a popular interpretation of Black Mirror: that the show’s message is that dystopia is the result of technology colliding with human nature.
In my previous video I presented an alternative explanation for the causes of our real life dystopia: our political and economic systems which, although not inseparable from human nature, are not an inevitable result of our nature.
In this video I make the case that humanity is capable of creating a world that is non-dystopian and actually pretty damn awesome, a world free of the divisions of rich and poor, powerful and powerless, dominators and dominated. And I make this case not just with abstract argumentation but using actual evidence from the actual real world, with particular focus on evidence from anthropology.
Throughout the video, I relate the discussion to Black Mirror and in particular the episode USS Callister (season 4 episode 1).
Previous video: Black Mirror and the Causes of Our Real Dystopia
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0:00 Intro and Thesis
12:00 Political and economic systems influence our psychology, behavior, and culture
32:48 Human Nature and Human Potential
45:12 Ongka’s Big Moka
49:46 Humanity’s Egalitarian Potential
1:03:04 What enables the “immediate return” type of hunter-gatherer societies to be egalitarian?
1:09:14 How dominance hierarchy conquered the world
1:18:22 The worst people have the most influence (but that can change)
1:30:16 Humanity’s egalitarian potential in societies like ours
1:38:48 Egalitarianism: Adapting its recipe for societies like ours
1:53:14 Wrap-up / Summary
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An Anarchist FAQ, section I.5: “What would the social structure of anarchy look like?”
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►►More videos◄◄
► Black Mirror and the Causes of Our Real Dystopia
► POST-CAPITALISM: A Detailed Look at How It Could Work
► Communism & Socialism: What Do They REALLY Mean?
► Political Compass Rap but it’s ALL SOCIALISTS
► 8 Types of "Socialism" in 75 Minutes || Economic Systems Explained
► The *Socialist* Political Compass: Methods to create socialism
► Playlist
Many visual credits are given on screen in the video itself, but here are more:
Ancient Palace Persepolis, Iran - CC 2.0 Ivar Husevåg Døskeland
Central City East, LA - CC 3.0 Erica Chang
Chewong - CC 2.0 Son K Lee, Flikr
Class systems drawing -Tony Biddle (Economics for Everyone by Jim Stanford)
Dinner party - rawpixel.com (Freepik)
cop - CC 2.0 Chris Yarzab flikr
Great Sphinx - CC 3.0 UsuarioBarcex
Hadza - CC 4.0 Arnold Tibaijuka
Indus Civilization map - CC 3.0 Avantiputra7
Ju/’hoansi pics - CC 2.0 David Barrie, Flikr
Malapandaram - CC 2.0 Ragesh Ev Flikr
Map USSR - CC 3.0 Milenioscuro
Mohenjo-daro - CC 3.0 Saqib Qayyum
Persepolis - JimKillock CC 4.0
Village - vecstock (Freepik)
WWII railway tableau coach (CC 3.0 FORTEPAN Saly Noémi)
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