In this video we'll have a look on some unique towns in the united states of America. What makes them so unique is the fact that because the border between USA and Canada is the 49th parallel, these United States towns remained cut off from mainland US and surrounded by Canada.
I'm talking here about Angle Inlet and Point Roberts and their story is truly awesome.
In this video we'll come back to Europe and talk about a very special border located right
But we'll talk more about all of this in this video, so make sure you do not miss it.
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Hope you'll enjoy the video!
The 49th parallel was chosen to define most of the border between the United States and Canada.
And this was not a good idea. You see, using straight lines as borders often leads to situations like these two: US towns completely surrounded by Canada.
The northernmost town in Minnesota, Angle Inlet, home to just 54 people, is completely cut off from the United States, being surrounded by Canada to the north and
a lake to the south. The other US town surrounded by Canada is located in Washington state. This is Point Roberts, with a population of 1,200 people.
What's interesting is that there are no hospitals and schools, and to reach the United States you'll have to cross two checkpoints just to be treated at a hospital in your own country.
Another cool thing is that in Stanstead, the 49th parallel runs exactly in the middle of this road, and crossing the road can be taken as illegal border crossing.middle of the river in the village called Schengen, which gave the name to the Schengen area.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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