It's time again for techno-retro gears and music production. I rediscovered my old Gameboy Advance SP and a small serie of music related cadriges that reminds me the Micromusic boom in the early 2000's. At the time there was a few opsions for make music on Gameboy: Pocket Music, a really cruncy and dirty sample-based 6 tracks sequencer, Gameboy Camera and his 1 bar x 3 tracks synthetizer, Little Sound Dj (never had) and one of more musical and "professional" sequencere: Nanoloop 2.0. In this video, the first of the serie, i made a simple old school 8bit breakbeat tune using Pocket Music and his internal sample library. The sound is really dirty and there are not so much way to modify the sounds but, as always, this gear limitations gives me the inspiration to make something :D Enjoy
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