So I spent $4000 to buy everything I could on Discord's merch store. All to see if it's high quality, worth it, and whether or not you would get bullied for wearing it.
But as I dug deeper into the prices, I realized that Discord loses money on some items.
If you want to see a man in his twenties upload content that will taint his self worth for the rest of his life, this is the video.
Money Disappearing Machine
Discord Server
00:00 - Shirts
10:15 - Plushies and Figures
14:32 - why discord loses money
15:30 - Jackets and Hoodies
23:53 - Bags
26:44 - Accessories
32:06 - HATS
34:58 - Stream Deck
35:58 - Wumpus Microphone
37:12 - $50 Keycaps...
37:55 - Discord Keyboard
40:18 - Discord x Apple
41:08 - Paper waste (Stickers, sticky notes)