Spotify, Apple Music, Streaming
Music: Yaporigami
Graphics concept, Directed by defasten
To date, Yaporigami (Yu Miyashita) has announced a wide range of experimental works from Japan and abroad including German Mille Plateaux and American Detroit Underground. His most recent work is a full length soundtrack for Jeremiah Mosese’s directorial film, which was screened at the Venice International Film Festival 2019.
Virgin Babylon Records will release a new album "Decoded Sphere" on which Yaporigami explores sacred rhythms and melodies on 29th February 2020.
The time signature of all songs is 6/4. His music, which can be heard both as melody music and hard IDM, keeps various layers and brings out new meaning, interpretation and world.
これまで独Mille Plateaux、米Detroit Underground等国内外から多数の作品を発表し、2019年ヴェネチア国際映画祭にて上映されたJeremiah Mosese監督作品の音楽を担当したYaporigamiが聖なるリズムと旋律を探求した
ニューアルバム「Decoded Sphere」をVirgin Babylon Recordsより2020年2月29日リリース決定。
Yaporigami / Decoded Sphere
01. Windows X
02. Runner
03. Tilted
04. New Syndicate
05. Language
06. Xinri E
07. Escherian Rhythm
08. Music Makers
09. With Organs
10. Movers And Shakers
Releases : 29 Feb 2020
Self-notes about the album "Decoded Sphere"
When we perceive this world through each of our filters (or rather, we tend only to recognise it that way), it is within such a worldview that emerges. This album was named Decoded Sphere with the meaning of "a representation of the world seen through coloured eyeglasses." It can feel very obvious when you reflect upon it. You can often be overwhelmed by the fact that there are different worlds as many as the world's population.
I have been very attracted to music that can be listened to easily, and whilst has an infiniteness within the structure that reveals itself when we concentrate to listen. For example, in the Bible, there is a layer that functions as a story, and another layer that can be overwhelmingly deeply interpreted if read by an earnest person like Luther. I am very interested in making music with such a pyramid structure.
To talk about the time structure a little, all songs are in 6/4. In many cases, the rhythm elements are constructed with "6/4 x 2" and the melody elements with "8/8 x 3".
It's not my intention that the words I'm writing now work to keep my thoughts "here". Rather, it is my intention that words take off from "here" and function so as to bring out new meanings, interpretations, and the worlds.
Finally, to quote Ionesco's word, "let the words say what the word never meant before." I want this album to work that way.
アルバム「Decoded Sphere」についてのセルフノート
この世界を僕達が各々のフィルターを通して知覚する時(というか、その様にしか認識出来ないのだけど)、浮かび上がってくるのがそれぞれの世界観で。このアルバムは「各々の色眼鏡を通して見えている世界の表象」という意味合いを込めて、Decoded Sphereと名付けました。非常に当たり前の事実なのだけど、ふとした時に俯瞰して思考してみると、人口の数だけ別の世界が存在する、という事実の森羅万象具合に圧倒される事が多々あって。
時間構造の話を少しだけしてみると、収録曲は全て拍子が6/4になっていて。多くの場合リズム要素を「6/4 x 2」で展開させて、メロディ要素を「8/8 x 3」で展開させていて。
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