“Socialism is actually selfish” (Young America's Foundation)
“The Inherent Greed in Socialism” (The Daily Signal)
Andy Puzder not only argues that socialism is selfish but also that capitalism is altruistic, caters to human needs, and empowers the masses as a form of economic democracy. Puzder spends more time discussing what he believes are the virtues of capitalism rather than the greed or selfishness socialism.
In this response video I debunk each of Andy Puzder’s claims while also presenting a scathing critique of capitalism more generally. Along the way we'll also enjoy some laughs, because debunking capitalist propaganda is fun!
Andy Puzder also made a video for PragerU called “Capitalism vs. Socialism” that's very similar to his Young America’s Foundation video and Daily Signal video. I would have liked to respond to his PragerU video (it has 10 million views!) but I didn’t see it until I was done filming this video. But most of the arguments Puzder makes in the PragerU video are repeated in the two videos I respond to here. So this response video is a partial debunking of the PragerU video, too.
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►►Check out some of my other videos◄◄
► Why Capitalism Doesn’t Work: Response to PragerU
► The Abuser Logic of PragerU
► Playlist of my Radical Responsibility video series
► Playlist of all my videos
Learning resources on workplace organizing (can be applied to other types of
organizing and activism)
Andy Puzder: “Socialism is actually selfish” (Young America's Foundation)
Andy Puzder: “The Inherent Greed in Socialism” (The Daily Signal)
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