In this video we'll have a look on what is the oldest border dispute in the world. There are a lot of options you can think about like some countries in Africa or also somewhere in the balkans where these countries have a very rich history of conflicts.
The answer I'm sure will surprize you because the oldest border dispute is located in the west of Europe.
Gibraltar, which is part of the United Kingdom was awarder to Great Britain more than 300 years ago, but Spain never agreed on this which technically means Gibraltar is still disputed between United Kingdom and Spain
So What Is The Oldest Ongoing Border Dispute in The World ?
You might be tempted to look into the Balkans where the legacy of past conflicts is still reverberating today. Or maybe in Africa, where the European powers messed up the borders during the colonialism and drew some strange borders.
Also the dispute between Russia and Japan over the Kuril islands might come to your mind, but all of these are wrong. The oldest ongoing border dispute is actually in the western Europe and is the one between UK and Spain over Gibraltar.
The dispute started in 1713 with the treaty of Utrecht, when Gibraltar was granted to Britain as part of the settlement of the War of the Spanish Succession. Spain has never accepted this transfer of territory so the dispute is still ongoing today.
Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3
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