Tosya Kislitsyna, an unsightly and funny girl, comes to the village of lumberjacks to work as a cook. The "first guy" in the village - lumberjack Ilya - argues with a friend that Tosya will fall in love with him. But all the secret becomes clear, and only after losing Tosya, Ilya realizes that he really loves her...
Year of production: 1961
Directed by: Yury Chulyukin
Writed by: Bedny Boris
Mysic: Pakhmutova Alexandra
Production designer: Shreter Irina
Starting by: Makarova Inna, Rumyantseva Nadezhda, Rybnikov Nikolai, Ovchinnikova Luciena, Druzhinina Svetlana, Adoskin Anatoly, Baikov Victor, Kiryutkin Petr, Krychenkov Alexey, Menshikova Nina, Pogodin Nikolai, Pugovkin Mikhail, Filippov Roman, Khitrov Stanislav