Going further down this wormhole of glitchy analog sequencer-less modular synth patching with some new additions after selling a handful of modules, my case now features 2 Befaco Rampage modules, Instruo CS-L and Bastl Dark Matter. Have been interested in the Dark Matter since it was announced, initial impressions are good - as suspected there's definitely more to it than just hard out gabba rave sounds. :P
Tricky to give patch notes here as its a bit of a monster and it's difficult to explain, but modules in play are
Bastl Dark Matter
Befaco Rampage x 2
Instruo CS-L
Pittsburgh Primary Osc
Blue Lantern Transistor Core VCO
NLC Clump x 2
Pittsburgh Phase Shifter
After Later Monsoon
Instruo Tanh
Serpens Hydrus
Dopefer Switch
Verbos Noise & Filter
and some VCAs
Pad sounds from my Sequential Prophet 12