After years of putting my own creative projects on the back-burner, I'm diving head first into YouTube this year, sharing my journey of homeownership, running a short-term rental, finding a vacation income property in France, becoming a better interior designer, splitting my time between Toronto and California and figuring out how to be an entrepreneur who pulls all of these interests together into some sort of sustainable income.
I hope you'll stick around and see how it comes together.
If you're looking for resources for starting your own YouTube channel, I highly recommend @aliabdaal's Skillshare course: YouTube for Beginners - How to Start & Grow Your YouTube Channel - - which I used to help get me started.
I also recommend @BrigetteMuller 's Video Editing Course for editing with Premiere Pro - - which taught me more in 2 hours than I learned in a whole year of my Master's degree.