Everyone wants clear glowing skin. In this video New York dermatologist Dr Kiran Lohia shares tips for achieving clear glowing skin.
You can get in touch with Dr Kiran Loha via her website lumieredermatology.com/
Hi I am New York dermatologist Dr Kiran Lohia. I currently have my own centre here in New Delhi called Lumière Dermatology. I am going to talk about how to get clear skin today. I am sure every single one of you man or woman wants clear skin. Luckily that is possible. I am going to give you few simple tips for that clear skin so that you can look glowing and fresh day in day out. The first thing you have to know is to keep it simple. What do I mean by keep it simple? That means don't put too many products on your face. There is no benefit to having a ten step routine. Don't tone don't add fifty serums. Keep it clean. Do a simple basic face wash to cleanse, apply a nice moisturizer perhaps with some Vitamin C or glycolic acid in it and definitely wear your sun blocks. If you keep it simple you will definitely have a clear skin. Second this is, as I mentioned earlier is sunblock. The sun is the number one cause of pigmentation ageing, freckles even acne. It will also cause lots of tanning and it will make you look older more tired and definitely with worse skin. If you apply proper sunblock your skin will guarantee be clear for the long run. You should look for SPF of 30 and above and make sure you are also getting broad band spectrum. Which means that UVA protection is also inside. So look for something called PA rating. A PA rating shows how much UVA protection you are getting. So it should be at least PA++ and above. The third thing you should do is look for products that have long run potential. What do I mean by long run potential? I mean they work towards long run. They focus on your pigmentation, on your tanning, on your ageing, and they are safe to use in the long term and they will give you a long term result. So products like topical retinoids or glycolic acid are your go to here. Look for something that has around five to ten percent Glycolic or Lactic Acid and you can also look for something with retinol with a lower percentage... sometimes it cause a little bit of dry itchiness and irritation. And that should be a long term regimen for you which will give you nice and clear skin. It will also help give you a bit of a glow which I am sure every single one of you wants. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you like this video please share it with your friends, like us her, or subscribe to our channel. In case you have any questions by email address is below in the information area. Please feel free to email me for any queries you may have. Thank you.
Audio Credit :
Youtube - Creation Tools - Audio library - Track - Satin Sugar
Title - Satin Sugar
Contributing Artists – Huma Huma
Album - Youtube Audio Library