In the midst of triumph, an unexpected agony unfolds. This gripping tale delves into the inner turmoil of a once-celebrated heros, revealing the hidden burdens and sacrifices behind their glory. Explore the profound complexities of their journey as they grapple with the pain that comes with greatness.
O’Kenneth & Xlimkid’s artistry shines throughout, seamlessly blending powerful storytelling with captivating soundscapes. This EP serves as a powerful reminder that life's journey is a delicate balance between pain and glory, and it is in these contrasting moments that we discover our true selves. "Pain in Glory" is a must-listen for those who seek music with depth and resonance, offering a profound reflection on the human condition.
PAIN IN GLORY (stream here)
I want some closure
I be drinking sober
With all this exposure
Thought life gets better
Hate to be the imposter
Step up be a soldier.
Who whatsoever
You can’t get fed up
Aaa aa you know life’s gets better
You know you can’t get fed up
You know it get better
So try and stay sober sober awhh
You don’t wanna be stoner
When all this shii is over
You don’t want no regrets
You don’t wanna be obsessed when all this shii is over
You gotta know it get better
You don’t gotta get fed up ahh ahh
So step up yeah soldier
)kofo) nsuro mogya aa
Wo werεbεho but oh naa
Keep your composure
It’s a fight till you older
La vida loca
You fuck up and it’s over
Yεεtwεn deε εεba
Ehhhhh you know life gets better ahhh ahh ahh
Ahhh ahhh ahh ahhh you know life gets better
I want some closure
I be drinking sober
With all this exposure
Thought life gets better
Hate to be the imposter
Step up be a soldier.
Who whatsoever
You can’t get fed up
Aaa aa you know life’s gets better
You know you can’t get fed up
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